Promediko d.o.o. Apps

Nitrox Blender 1.4
Promediko d.o.o.
We create high quality applications 4 mobiledevices designed specially for the SCUBA divers to make diving safeand easy. Our first application is the Nitrox Blender forrecreational divers to calculate various diving related parameterswhen diving on air or Nitrox.It accepts the following user inputs, which are restricted tothe recreational limits shown:• The oxygen percentage (O2%) between 21% and 40%• Maximum O2 partial pressure (PO2) between 1.0 and 1.4 ata (1.6ata contingency)• Maximum Operating Depth (MOD) to 40 metres (131 ft)Given any two of the above parameters the third can becalculated and the application is arranged into three separatecalculators as follows:• Input O2% and PO2 to calculate MOD• Input MOD and PO2 to calculate O2%• Input MOD and O2% to calculate PO2The application will also give the following parameters for eachcalculator:• The Equivalent Air Depth (EAD)• The percentage of nitrogen in the mix (N2%)• Maximum nitrogen partial pressure (PN2) – (i.e. at the MOD)• Maximum ambient pressure (AP) – (i.e. at the MOD)All our apps are compatible with most of Android phones andtablets and it's - FREE!Find us on Facebook: you have any feedbacks, suggestions or questions, pleaseemail it to: info@promediko.siDon’t forget to rate the App. :)
My Little Secret Day 1.9
Promediko d.o.o.
Have you ever tried to predict the success ofan exam, date or job interview? With your new friend Lily, whounderstands your biorhythm, you will gain a clear idea what you canexcept from each day!She will help you to appreciate when you are at your full potentialand thus prevent you from making rash decisions during yourcritical days.Lily can help you to succeed at sport, business, exams and dating.Give her a chance - become friends!
Tufties Good Manners Free 1.1
Promediko d.o.o.
Tufties – a nice family from outer spaceTufties are a nice and kind family from outer space whichwillremind you of how important it is to be a role model foryourchildren every time they will catch your sight.Parents can use the interactive mobile applications Tufties asaguide to teach their children manners by deeds not onlywords.Children will certainly love playing with the Tufties - cutegreencharacters who always think positive ... And remember to saytoyour children “thank you”, “please”, “you're welcome” ...wheneverthey deserve it. You know: be A ROLE MODEL (“...deeds notonlywords...”) to your child during every day routine even with nopador mobile phone near you.Tufties – Good manners for the youngestThis is a story of a small boy Binger – The Tuftie from outerspace.He will learn how to thank, how to help and how to sharehisthings.ApplicationFrom the menu button you can easily choose the language,mute/unmuteand whether the narrator or you will read the story toyour child.During the narration you can play with bubbles or thefootball andthe teddy bear. All the dialogue texts are movable.You start theapplication with the button “Start” . Help Binger orhis Mum to pickup the teddy bear.About our appsWe think playing and having fun is the best way to learn abouttheworld. Therefore we make digital toys and games that helpstimulatethe imagination, and that you can play together with yourkids.Best of all - we do it in a safe way withoutthird-partyadvertising or in-app purchases. Thank you!